Gainsborough Showers

Replacing a Gainsborough SE Electric Shower Like for Like
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Replacing a Gainsborough SE Electric Shower Like for Like

With 40 years experience in the UK shower market, Gainsborough Showers offers a range of high quality and reliable showers. As part of the highly reputable Aqualisa Showers Group they continually develop our products to maintain our position as one of the UK’s leading shower manufacturers and a trusted shower brand.

The Gainsborough Electric Shower brand has always offered affordable showers online - one of the most popular electric showers sold over the last 10 years is the Gainsborough SE Electric Shower and the Gainsborough Stanza Electric Shower.

The new generation of Gainsborough Electric showers has now been launched with the Duo and Mono electric showers being released in 2021. These new models can still be used to replace your old Gainsborough Electric Shower