Saniflo – The 10 Golden Rules

Saniflo – The 10 Golden Rules
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Saniflo – The 10 Golden Rules

If you are installing a Saniflo in your home and you need some top pointers, then the Saniflo 10 golden rules will give you all the guidance you need.

1. All horizontal pipes should have a minimum fall of 1:100. Discharge pipework on the Saniflo should be copper or rigid solvent weld plastic, not “pushfit”.
2. If a vertical run is needed, this should be at the start of the run (within 30cm of the unit) and from the high point there must be a minimum fall of 1:100.
3. Pipes entering the Saniflo Macerator should have a gravity fall of 1:33.
4. Bends should be smooth/long radius, not tight elbows. All pipework should be supported according to pipe manufacturers’ recommendations.
5. Where the pipework falls to the floor lower for example, fit an air admittance vavlve at the highest point capable of withstanding 10psi pressure, or increase pipe size coming down to “break” syphon.
6. Each Saniflo Macerator discharge pipe should run separately to the soil pipe. If wastes are combined, it can only be into a larger pipe, which is on the gravity fall.
7. The unit should be easily accessible and removable in the event of maintenance being required. If boxed in, the boxing should be easily removed. Any extension between the WC pan spigot and wall should not exceed 150mm.
8. Since many close coupled WC suites do not have the space between the WC pan spigot and the wall, you may have to batten the cistern off the wall to make room for the Saniflo. Please note, Sanislim will fit behind most close coupled WC suites without the need for this.
9. Position the Saniflo behind the toilet, not underneath it.
10. Electrical connection should be via an unswitched fixed wiring connector with a 5 amp fuse.

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tarla Curran
I am installing a compact Saniflo on the second floor so the discharge pipe will be on a steep gradient, 6 feet over 18 feet. Is there a problem with that steep a discharge incline?
tarla Curran
Installing a sanicompact on the second floor. Is there a problem with the discharge pipe dropping 6 feet over 18 feet?